We are going to be showing you a way to fix a dns_probe_finished_bad_config, or on your Google crawl, because it will work for other browsers as well as long as you’re using Windows. It is a very common error message that your browser shows you, we know how irritating these.
- So let’s put this to an end to once and forever. Before we begin, let us tell you how bad it affected my browsing habit and see we can open a single web address on Google calm.
- The same goes for other browsers. So, hope you’re experiencing the same of us, but let’s start the fix to school your network adapter We can situational on the right side of your taskbar, right-click on Add simply choose up a Network and Internet settings, which will open this window, and from there you how to navigate a change adapter option that will open the Nitro connection window from huge use your riding adapter, the one that you have connected your internet connection. For us, he says, so choose Properties and you will see another printout.
- From there you can open the Internet Protocol Version four ipv4. Now come down there and choose to use the following DNS server addresses.
- Now, these fields will read to you from Houston just a matter of entering a preferred DNS server. So you can enter 8.8 points 8.8 there, this will work for all the Vols, no matter wherever you’re from and whichever internet connection you’re using.