Getting into college is by no means an easy process because of all the components involved. Not only do you need good grades and high SAT or ACT scores, but you also need extracurricular activities and a good essay to really make you stand out from other applicants. One of the most important aspects of what makes the college application process difficult is the essay portion. That’s why it’s important to find a college essay consultant who can meet your needs and assist you with the application process. Essays have to highlight your strengths and prove that you’re the right fit for your dream school. Below, you’ll find a guide on how to find a college essay consultant near you.
Determine what you’re looking for in a college counseling service.
Think about all of the aspects of your college application. Is the essay portion the only part of it that you need help with? Or do you also need help with college matching for the right fit, financial aid planning assistance, or expert advice from admission committees? These are all services that you can get from a college counseling service. Why settle for just the ability to get essay editing when you can have the whole college process streamlined with the help of professionals? To ensure that you succeed in the future, you need to find the right resources that aid in your success.
Go online and use a search engine.
It’s as simple as visiting the Google homepage, or any other search engine, and typing in “college essay consultant near me.” Once you can see all of the college admissions consultants nearby, it’ll be easy to narrow it down to the ones that pique your interest. College essay consultants typically help you with both personal statements and supplemental essays. Some of them may be professional writers, while others may have been college admissions counselors and have likely read numerous essays from students applying to top schools and selective colleges. They’ll typically provide edits and suggestions within a day or two so that you can get it done quickly and apply for the right college for you.
Look into college acceptance rates.
So, you’ve found a site that seems promising, but how do you know they’re credible? Well, you can start by checking acceptance rates. For example, Empowerly has a 98 percent admissions success rate for getting their students into top colleges in the U.S. They improve admissions odds by 3 times and have a proven track record. Plus, they have helped 94 percent of their students get into at least one of their top three chosen schools. This is something they’ve been doing since 2016, so they’re clearly excellent at what they do. With a college counseling service like theirs, you’re sure to get assistance with admissions essays.
Read reviews and success stories from real students.
While numbers are important to look at, how can you tell if they’re true and confirm their results are from real students? You have to find success stories and testimonials from students. Do your research online and look at reviews. Browse the website to see what students have had to say about getting personalized help with a college essay. The