If you make any PowerPoint presentation and it contains a lot of heavy pictures, then someone may have a big problem sending that file. you need to first reduce its size. Here are the steps to reduce the size of a PowerPoint file to check the current size of a PowerPoint file, right-click on the file, and then click on Properties.
- It will show you the size of the presentation.
- Now open the presentation file in PowerPoint, from the File menu, select options, click on Advanced from the left pane.
- From the set default target output to section. Choose 96 PPI option, which is the best option for viewing on the web.
- Uncheck the checkbox next to do not compress images and file and select the checkbox next to discard editing data.
- Click on OK.
- Now click on the File menu again, and then click on Save As,
- Select the location, and rename the file, then click on Save.
- Close the presentation, and then check the file size to see how much it has been reduced I hope this was easy to follow.