A mini round baler is a machine designed to reduce the size of waste materials in agriculture fields such as wastage of grass, wheat, silage, straw, etc. It converts the waste material into a new form or shape which can be recycled or reused for different purposes.
As it is cleared by the name mini round baler, bales the wastage of agriculture in the round shape of a specific size for further use. The specific size of that square or round bale is closely about (2×1. 5′). The First Mini round baler was invented in 1970 and manufactured by ABBRIATA in 1980.
Working Principle & Features:
Mini round baler works on the principle same as its older one. It rolls the grass inside the box until it reaches a specific size then it through towards its backside.
- The least operating power of the mini round baler is 15hp it can easily be run with a simple compact tractor. As it has a small size it can pass through the lines of trees.
- It also has twin and net options.
- It can create 100-120 bales (2 tons) in one hour or 900 bales (16 tons) in 8 hours.
- The size of the mini round baler is not greater than a square round bale. Its average weight is about 40 pounds or 40-55 kg so it can be lifted by a single person easily.
- The mini round baler can be adjusted from the baler density setting according to the need of the user.
Benefits of Mini Round Baler
Low Operating Power:
A mini round baler has a very low operating power of 15Hp so it can easily be run with a simple compact tractor. You can read more at Alibaba Blog.
Low Weight:
A mini round baler has a very low weight of only 40 pounds or 40-55 kilograms so it can easily be lifted by a single person.
Painless design:
A mini round baler is not bigger than a simple square bale. Its design is easy so it requires a little adjustment and its fewer parts are breakable.
Shorter Size:
A mini round baler can easily fit behind a truck so it is very easy to store.
Weather Resistive:
If a mini round baler is working in the fields suddenly it starts raining and there is no place to protect it from rain. Then no need to worry it can withstand the rain. Its net wrap will provide a high level of protection to it.
Productive Efficiency:
As a mini round baler performs more efficient work in a short time. So the production efficiency can be increased through it to get high profit.